25+ Impactful Consulting Report Templates Every Consultant Needs

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Consulting reports are absolute game-changers for every consultant. These reports dive deep into a company’s current state, identify areas of improvement and offer actionable recommendations. They bridge the consultant’s expertise with the client’s needs, enabling effective communication and informed decision-making.

With a diverse range of industries and consulting specialties, having a collection of customizable consulting report templates can streamline the reporting process, ensuring consistency, professionalism and efficiency in delivering valuable insights and strategic guidance.

In this blog post, let’s explore 25+ consulting report templates that are absolute must-haves for consultants across various domains. Keep reading to browse consulting report templates you can edit using Venngage’s report creator. Or see all Venngage’s consulting report templates on one page.

Click to jump ahead:

What is a consulting report?

A consulting report is a document containing a consultant’s expert understanding and advice on a certain subject. It is a document created by a consultant or consulting firm to communicate their analysis, findings, insights, and recommendations to a client or organization. It serves as a comprehensive assessment of a specific problem, challenge, or opportunity identified by the client. A consulting report typically includes details on the project scope, methodology used, data analysis, and actionable recommendations aimed at addressing the client’s needs or improving their business performance.

Consulting reports are highly tailored to the client’s requirements and often incorporate relevant industry research, benchmarking data, and best practices. They provide a structured and evidence-based approach to problem-solving, helping clients make informed decisions and take appropriate actions. Consulting reports play a crucial role in bridging the expertise of the consultant with the unique context and goals of the client, facilitating effective communication and strategic decision-making.

For example, a competitive analysis report that looks at the strengths and weaknesses of a company’s key competitors:

Competitor Analysis Consulting Report Template


Consulting reports are usually prepared by an expert for a client or company that doesn’t have the time or knowledge to do the necessary research and write up a report.

Preparing reports is usually part of a consultant’s job description.

What is a consulting report template?

A consulting report template is a pre-designed framework that helps consultants structure and format their reports. It typically includes sections like:

  1. Executive Summary: Provides a concise overview of the report, highlighting key findings and recommendations.
  2. Introduction: Sets the context for the report, outlines the objectives, and describes the scope of the consulting project.
  3. Methodology: Explains the approach and methods used to gather data and conduct the analysis.
  4. Findings: Presents the results of the analysis, showcasing insights and observations.
  5. Analysis: Offers a detailed examination and interpretation of the findings, connecting them to the client’s goals and challenges.
  6. Recommendations: Provides actionable suggestions to address the identified issues and improve the client’s situation.
  7. Conclusion: Summarizes the main points of the report and emphasizes the value and potential impact of the recommendations.

These are just a few example sections commonly found in a consulting report template, but the actual content and structure may vary based on the specific requirements of each project.

To create the consulting report above, for example, a consultant can use this consulting report template:

Dark Competitor Analysis Consulting Report Template

A business consulting report template shows:

  1. A problem the client is facing
  2. An examination of the problem from the consultant’s perspective
  3. Recommendations and/or solutions to the problem

The consultant may use a consulting report template to help them lay out and professionally present these insights.


Different types of consulting reports:

Keep scrolling to find templates for these different consulting report types. Click “Create” and our report maker tool will help you customize them, like this simple one-page report:

Marketing Year End Report Template


You can also browse business proposal templates if you haven’t won the job yet.

Consulting report templates & examples

Let’s take a look at these types of consulting report templates + design tips for each:

Project status report templates

Consultants need to keep clients in the loop.

Regular project status reports deliver updates and flag any issues you’re facing.

They also show what you still need to do.

The result? Better communication and a way to build and maintain trust with your client.

Pro Tip: Pick your project status report template based on the time period you’re reporting on: weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.

Use this project status report template for any time frame:

Project Status Report Template

All the essential information is neatly laid out in bite-size sections, perfect for busy clients.

The icon checkmark chart makes it easy for the client to check whether the project is:

Progress report examples

Zero in on your accomplishments to date with a progress report. Lay them out in point form, making them easy to scan — and easy to reassure the client that you’re making progress.

Here’s one monthly progress report example:

Monthly Project Status Report

Projects with multiple players can easily sink into disorganization.

The progress report example above clearly assigns ownership to different parties.

This can include the client, so they know exactly what they’re responsible for—and what you’re responsible for.

Pro Tip: Use Venngage’s team features to quickly share your project status reports with the client and other stakeholders. Email it to them directly or grab a private link. Update the consulting report and let everyone know immediately. The Venngage for Business plan gives you access to this feature.


This project report status template relies on a simple chart with check boxes to show the overall project status:

Project Status Report

The focus of this report is on timetables — when milestones are expected to be completed, plus the overall revised completion date.

It’s best for a quick update where not a lot of explanation is needed. The report title page is simple, but easy to customize, and can be adapted for any industry.

Design Pro Tip: If you need to add more detail to any of our templates, copy existing pages or add blank pages. Add or delete elements like text boxes, charts, and icons as needed.

Social media report templates

Marketing consultants use social media reports to report on their progress.

The tricky part? Presenting the report so your client actually understands it.

Here are 2 hacks to make a better social media report:

  1. Focus on the stats that actually matter
  2. Use a consulting report format that is easy to understand. Use a social media report template with simple charts or graphs.

This social media report template uses icons to highlight key stats:

Social Media Business Case Study template

The social media report template above uses icons to help explain results: a funnel for conversion rate, money to stress savings.

Design Pro Tip: Use icons to capture your point. Try bright and colorful illustrated icons for creative industries like marketing and simple line icons for more conservative fields like management consulting.

Here’s how icon replace works in the Venngage template editor:


Clicking “Replace” will open our library of thousands of free, creative icons. Select one to automatically replace an existing icon in the social media report template.


This social media report template has the same format as the above example, but with a different color scheme and icons:

Teal Social Media Business Case Study Template

This consulting report template takes another approach: nothing but stats.

No words are necessary — the stats speak for themselves in this progress report example:

Monthly Social Media Report

The up and down red/green icons quickly let a marketing consultant tell the client if the stat is good or bad.

And everything in this social media report template is nicely segmented by channel.

Pie charts simply and effectively communicate user breakdowns and growth opportunities.

The client will appreciate the clear overview and your attention to progress and growth.

Here’s another version of this consulting report template, with a different color scheme:

Digital Marketing Report


Design Pro Tip: Marketing consultants can use this social media report template for any industry; it’s not just for marketing consultants. Click any text box to change the content. Delete or copy text boxes, as needed. Click any icon to replace it — there are thousands of professional icons you can use for free. Add or delete pages, too. And change the overall color scheme with one click. I promise you, it’s easy.

You may also enjoy: our post on how to put together a LinkedIn presentation post

Recommendation report templates

The client’s hired you to help solve a particular problem at their company.

You’ve sweated through hours of problem-solving. Now it’s time to present your findings.

Your next challenge is to make a recommendation report that communicates those findings in a way the client will understand.

You can use this quick one-pager consulting report template to outline your growth goals, or any other recommendations:

Growth Goals Roadmap Consulting Report Template

This recommendation report example has a bold look and is hyper-organized, with a report title page, introduction, table of contents, and divider pages, to help your client quickly grasp your ideas:

Marketing Tech Recommendation Report Template

Pro tip: Add jump links to your table of contents to make navigating your document even easier. In the Venngage editor, select the text you want to hyperlink, click on the link icon in the top bar, and then select the page it should take your clients to. When you download the document, download it as an Interactive PDF.


This recommendation report example is simple but eye-catching. The background image and colors can easily be changed using our online editor and free stock photo library.


This recommendation report example works for real estate, but you can adapt the icons, text and photos to fit any industry.



Design Pro Tip: Adjust the consulting report title page for your industry. Click on the icons, then “replace” and you’ll access our icon library to quickly swap out the images. Type a keyword for your industry to search.

Or use the third page in this template to showcase your recommendations:

Purple SAAS Business Case Study Template

Here’s how you can customize the third page in the template above to make a recommendation report:

  1. Change “Next Steps for Lighthouse Metrics” to “Recommendations for [insert client name].”
  2. Use the bolded subheadings to outline each recommendation, then provide more detail.
  3. Use the three icons to highlight results that’ll come from using your recommendations.
  4. Delete the other pages, if you desire, to condense your recommendation report.

Or create a more graphic recommendation report with this case study template:

Gray B2B Content Marketing Case Study Template


Design Pro Tip: Brand your consulting report template in one go with our My Brand Kit tool. Click the green button and enter the editor (see image below). Open the “My Brand Kit” tab. The tool will pull your (or your client’s) brand colors from any website. Or you can set the colors manually. Click once to apply this color palette to the entire recommendation report. No design experience required!

My Brand Kit Venngage

Business case study templates

Consultants can use business case studies to promote how they helped past clients scale their marketing, growth or other efforts.

A business case study educates potential clients. It also shows the benefit they’ll get from hiring an independent consultant.

As a result, a business case study helps convert potential clients to new projects.

Here are 2 uses for business case studies:

  1. To present to new clients as “proof” as part of their portfolio
  2. To establish themselves as thought leaders e.g. offer business case studies as downloads in their business blogs, newsletters, social media ads, guest blog posts or eBooks.

Here’s a business case study template:

Bold Content Marketing Case Study Template

A business case study usually has the following content:

  1. A problem a company (or sometimes a specific decision maker) needs to solve
  2. Context of the problem
  3. Available solutions
  4. Why the winning solution was picked
  5. Results of using this solution, with data to back it up

The above business case study has most of these sections.

It also elevates the typical business case study with a contrasting background color (navy) and font (hot pink) and a bold rainbow graphic.

Design Pro Tip: Use different colored text to highlight important information. In the example above, hot pink is used to draw the eye to the title, customer recommendations and important stats.

The below business report works hard to establish the author as an authority:

Red SAAS Business Case Study Template

This business report effectively sells the consultant’s services, thanks to:

  1. Client recommendations
  2. A bar graph of results (which you can customize within the template)
  3. Top deliverables, explained twice on the third page using icons and subheadings

Context is provided on the report title page, to show the clear need for the service.

Results are on page one—there’s no need to bury results farther down in a business report.

Design Pro Tip: Build charts and graphs within the Venngage editor and add them to your business report. Enter your data in a spreadsheet or import your data directly from a Google Sheet. Watch the chart or graph transform automatically.


The below consulting report template works as both a business report and presentation. It also makes great use of different types of charts and graphs to present information:

Dark Case Study Presentation Template

Click “Create” to customize this presentation. Once in the editor, click any of the charts or graphs to modify them.

You can also edit the overall color scheme by applying your brand colors.

Here’s another case study template that uses contrasting font colors and icons to highlight results:

Bold Social Media Business Case Study Template

Industry analysis templates

Industry analysis reports help clients understand the future of their business.

Consultants create an industry analysis to collect and analyze industry data. Clients can then create a plan for their business’s future.

Industry analysis reports can focus on any of these topics:

Here’s an example of an industry analysis template that focuses on industry trends:

Bold Technology Trends Industry Report Template

This consulting report template uses bold, illustrated icons and a vibrant color palette to say that its contents are anything but ordinary.


Design Pro Tip: Use color psychology to communicate an idea. For example, yellow is associated with confidence and creativity. If you like another industry analysis template, but want it to have more yellow, open the “My Brand Kit” tab in the editor. Pick one of our custom color palettes with yellow in it. Click to apply, then shuffle through different color combinations.

Here’s a color psychology cheat sheet, to help you pick the right shades:


Our blog post on brand colors delves even deeper into how to pick and use colors for your business.

Here’s another example of an industry analysis report that uses a bold color palette:


It nicely contrasts warm pink (“energy”) with blue (“stability”).


Meanwhile, the below industry analysis report plays it safe with black (“prestige”) and hints of blue “trust”):

Marketing Analysis Report


Design Pro Tip: Make your charts and graphs really pop by putting them in a contrasting color to the dominant color. Above, the green charts really pop against the gray and black color scheme. Also, using different types of charts (horizontal vs. vertical stacked bar charts) keeps the reader interested.

Competitor analysis report templates

A competitor analysis report is similar to an industry analysis or market overview report.

But, it focuses on specific competitors. That could mean one main competitor or several.

As a consultant, collecting strategic research about rival firms is old hat.

You just need an effective way to communicate that research to the client without their eyes glazing over.

Look at how this competitor analysis report template segments and visualizes key research:

consulting report template

Here’s how the above template structures its data:

This structure helps avoid the dreaded “wall of text.”

The result: a report your client will actually read (and understand).

Design Pro Tip: Try different font sizes and weights (like bold) to highlight important data. Use subheaders and colored text boxes to section off data and make it easy to scan. Marketing consultants can use this template, but it can be adapted for any industry.

Here’s the same competitor analysis report, but with a different color scheme:

Light Competitor Analysis Consulting Report Template


Design Pro Tip: Change the entire template’s color scheme by using our My Brand Kit tool. Or click on individual sections, open the Background tab and apply colors and gradients. Click “Undo” to nix mistakes.

The next competitor analysis report template does double duty as a report and presentation:

Crisis Management Benchmarking Report Template

A consulting report template can also take advantage of using a graphic SWOT analysis to visually lay out opportunities and threats. Icons help explain key points.

Click the template to enter our online SWOT analysis maker tool and customize the template to your liking.


Design Pro Tip: Change the stock photos in any of our templates. Our in-editor photo library has thousands of high-quality, professional stock photos that are completely free to use. Search by keyword (ex: “healthcare” or “marketing”) and click to add your choices to the report. Or, upload your own photos.

What is the importance of consulting reports?

The best way to avoid a scenario where your client doesn’t understand what you’re bringing to the table is by using a business consulting report. It will help organize your ideas in a way the client will easily understand.


A happy by-product: you look professional and results-driven. Your credibility is reinforced.

Win-win for you and the client.

It’s also possible that a slowdown in clients’ business is resulting in a slowdown in yours. That makes it even more important now to show existing clients that you’re not just a budget line — that you drive valuable results.

This McKinsey consulting report template is just one way to showcase your work and improve your professional image:


What is the purpose of a consulting report template

The purpose of a consulting report template is to provide a structured framework for consultants to present their findings, analysis and recommendations in a clear and organized manner. These templates serve as a starting point, offering a pre-designed format that can be customized to suit the specific needs of each consulting project.

Using a consulting report template saves you time and resources: you don’t need to come up with a fresh layout from scratch.

Plus, most consulting report templates (especially ones featured in this blog) contain visual aids such as images, icons, illustrations and data visualizations — this makes your report more engaging and easier to understand:

consulting report template

Using a consulting report template can also inspire your design: you now know the best way to visualize a certain piece of information or type of data. Take this project-specific consulting report template as an example:

Simple Project Status Report

Notice how the designer visualizes the project progress (schedule, scope, budget) using checkmark icons. If you like this type of visual aid, you can use it in your future consulting reports as well.

Now, let’s take a look at specific consulting templates for each type mentioned above — from project plans to pitch decks. If you’d like some more inspiration before you pick a template, check out this quick video:

How to write a consulting report

Even though the content of consulting reports will be completely different, they usually follow a pretty standard structure.

Stick to this structure to keep yourself organized, allow for a logical flow of information and keep the client reading (and not confused!).

Here are tips for writing a consulting report:

  1. Create a title page and include:
  2. Make a table of contents
  3. Write an executive summary
  4. Write an introduction that includes:
  5. Include analysis of the issues
  6. Include recommendations
  7. Write a conclusion
  8. Add an appendix (optional)

Check out this consulting report template. It has most of these major sections:


This consulting report template is missing an executive summary, recommendations and a conclusion.

You can play around with the consulting report format based on what the client hired you to do.

Still, it’s easy to add these sections to the template if you need to.

You could copy the introduction and findings pages in the Venngage editor. Then, change the headers and content.


How to make a consulting report cover page

A consulting report cover page should be professional, include all important details and give the reader some idea of what the report’s about.

Pro Tip: Don’t settle for a boring title! Make sure the title/subtitle on your cover page are compelling and make the reader want to keep reading.

Here’s how to write a consulting cover page for a report:

Here’s an example of a cover page template:


Choose the color scheme, icons, font and images that you use in your consulting report cover page carefully.

They should give readers a rock-solid idea of what they’re about to read.

When in doubt: keep your design as simple as possible.


Design tips for consulting report cover pages:

  1. Use clean, conservative fonts: Sans Serif fonts such as Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri
  2. Avoid handwritten or calligraphy-style fonts. Or any fonts that are hard to read.
  3. Brand your cover page template by using the client’s logo, brand colors and font
  4. Optional: use photos to set the tone for the report’s content. Here are two types:
  5. Your font, images and text should all work together in design harmony. The best way to avoid sending mixed messages? Yes, again: a consulting report template.

For example, the color scheme, image, and fonts in the above cover page template are strictly professional and muted.

In contrast, the below cover page template uses a bold image and color to say “futuristic” and “innovative.”


FAQs about consulting report templates

What is an executive summary?

An executive summary is a short description of the contents of a report. It goes before the introduction in a typical report.

It shouldn’t include high-level information but instead facts and figures from your findings, plus any recommendations.

Pro Tip: Decision-makers may only read the executive summary of a consulting report (and skim the rest). Spend the most time on this section.

Here’s a test to make sure you’re on the right track: show the executive summary to someone not involved in the project.

Do they feel like they get an overview of the consulting report and don’t have to read further to understand it?

If they feel confused or like they’re missing information, you need to tweak your copy.

Don’t be afraid to incorporate visuals, too. This executive summary is part of a five-page report:


It relies on an icon mind map to help explain its central concept.

A two-column report format for the text helps break up the information and a punchy color scheme keeps the reader engaged.

How to write an executive summary

Consultants should write an executive summary after< they write the rest of their report.

Only then will you really understand what information to include.

Your executive summary should include:

Here’s an example of an executive summary:


It presents problems, recommendations and next steps in a concise format.

Here are some tips to write an effective executive summary:

What’s your #1 tip for writing a great business report? Let us know in the comments below.

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Bronwyn Kienapple is the Content Marketing Lead at Venngage. Her writing on design and business communications has been published in Foundr, 99 Designs, DIY Marketers and more. She was also an ESL teacher for 5 years, taught business English and designed her own courses and teaching materials.

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