Jesus—the One And Only

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Contributed by Adrian Rogers on Jun 7, 2011 (message contributor)

based on 14 ratings (rate this sermon) | 31,073 views Scripture: Colossians 1:19 , Colossians 1:19-20 , Acts 4:12-15 Denomination: Baptist

Summary: A classic sermon by Adrian Rogers about what only Jesus can do for us and for the world.

I want you to take God’s Word and find Colossians chapter 1; and, when you’ve found it, look up here. Last week, we talked to you about the one true God, and we told you it’s not enough to believe in one god—if you believe in one god, and he’s the wrong god, that’s doubly dangerous. There is one true God. He is Jehovah, the triune God of the Bible. And, today, we’re talking on this subject: “Jesus—the One and Only.” Let me tell you why I’m preaching this: There are so many people today who want to make Jesus just One among many—He’s just One of the ways to Heaven.

As a matter of fact, recently, there was a conference—a parliament of world religions—and let me tell you what a minister said, from one of the mainline denominations; and, I’m not going to give the name of his denomination, because I’m sure there are others in his denomination who would be hurt, if I gave his name. But, here’s what this man said—listen to this: “So, what’s the big deal about Jesus?” That’s what he said: “So, what’s the big deal about Jesus?” And, this is—he is—the Executive Director of the Council for a Parliament of World Religions. His name is Ficca, and he warned that we, as Christians—listen—we ought not to attempt to make converts; we ought not to attempt to share Jesus; we ought not to evangelize. And, here’s what he called Christian evangelism: “ethnic cleansing.” Well hey, folks, that’s in the world today.

And, you know, just recently, that Peter Jennings, in a primetime special, put on a program—I saw it until I could take no more, and turned it off—“The Search for Jesus.” And, he had some so-called theologians, a part of the Jesus Seminar, who pooled their ignorance. They were searching for Jesus. They never found Him, because they were looking in the wrong place. I’d just as soon trust a group of blind men in a dark cave, blindfolded, with some lightning bugs in a jar, looking for the noonday sun as, as to help these people to find the true Jesus.

A while back, Bryant Gumbel, on television, was interviewing Larry King—the other way around. And, Bryant Gumbel said to Larry King—and Larry King’s a Jew, “Larry, if you could ask God question, what would you ask Him?” He said, “I would ask Him if He has a Son.” That’s a good question.

Now, let me tell you something, folks: Of all of the people—of all of the people who have ever lived on this terrestrial ball—ever, since creation to this time—scholars estimate there have been about 60 billion—about 60 billion; about 6 billion on Earth, right now. And, I can tell you, that out of the billions, and billions, and billions who’ve ever lived, only a handful of people have really made a lasting, dramatic imprint upon society. But, there is one person who stands head and shoulders above all the others, and His name is Jesus. Out of all 60 billion, I want to tell you that this man, Jesus—who is more than a man, as we’re going to see in a moment—has received more attention, more devotion, more criticism, more adoration, and more opposition than any of the 60 billion who have ever lived. Every recorded word that Jesus Christ ever said has been studied, scrutinized, analyzed, dissected, thought about, compared—every word that He has written. And, today, more than 20 centuries after Jesus Christ was here, on this earth, there is not a moment—not a moment, 20 centuries later—where literally millions are not studying His Word—not one second. They’re thinking about the significance of His words and His actions.

Now, Jesus Christ lived in a tiny little place called—today, we call it Bethlehem. He lived there about 2,000 years ago. And yet, His very birth divides all history. It’s 2001 AD—anno Domini, “the year of our Lord.” BC is “before Christ.” Listen. He never wrote a book—that we know of; and yet, the books that have been written about Him fill—the thousands and millions of volumes—fill the libraries of this world. He never painted a picture—that we know of; never did a sculpture—that we know of; and yet, He has been the inspiration behind the greatest art of this world. Go into the great art museums of this world, and you’re going to find out that Jesus Christ has been the progenitor of the greatest art. He never wrote a song—that we know of; but just think of the songs that we have sung this morning adoring the Lord Jesus Christ; and, around this world today, millions, and millions, and millions are singing the songs of Heaven based in Jesus. He never raised an army—that we know of; certainly, He didn’t. But, He has an army of followers—not who are willing to kill others for Him, but who are willing to die for Him, to live for Him, to share His love. His travels were limited. So far as we know, He never, in His earthly travels, went outside the circumference of that little land of Israel; and yet, around the world—around the world today—the sun will not set on people worshiping our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He only started with a handful; and yet, today, friend, over 30% of the world’s population say they believe in Jesus Christ. He only taught for three years, and 2,000 years later we’re still studying every word that the Lord Jesus said. He had no formal education; and, think of all of the universities, think of all the seminaries, that have been founded in His name.